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Day # 11 in my Dog Day Month3 "Stosh"

The photo Christina sent in for the project. Yes, Stosh is a character and great member to Christina's family.

"Stosh" 16"x 12" oil

Here are the steps I took in painting Stosh-

Step #1 sketched in drawing on toned canvas. Stosh wasn't an easy paint. He had quite a few things I needed to think about. Black or white dogs are a battle of contrasts. It always seems the middle tones of color get left out. The design took some thought too.

Step #2 blocking in the dark colors. Really had to concentrate on the warm dark colors and the cool ones. At this point it would be easy to lose the structure of the painting.

Step #3 The middle tones are added. It sure helped with this one. But I still didn't rush putting them in. They can muddy up a painting quickly and suck the contrast down the drain.

Step #4 the light colors are put in. Big point about the light colors- contrast- Don't go too bright or high key in the light colors. Also make sure that color in the light areas have some life to them. Nothing kills a painting like too much white. Just a few areas to touch up and Stosh is finished.

"Stosh" Day #11

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