My Dog Day Month3 Day #4- Dougal The Fell Walking dog
Day #4 "Dougal" 16"x20" oil Pet owner Sean McMahon U.K.
The Dougal painting started out a couple of years back as a demo for a pet workshop I was giving. It was close to being finished, today I finished Dougal.
Here are the painting steps from the workshop for Dougal.
Step #1 The Dougal sketched in on a toned canvas.
Step #2 - Blocking in Dougal. A quick big brush block in getting the big areas covered. Always a bit weird painting live in front of people, so I painted fast to keep the people awake.
Step #3 - The background is brought in. Keeping the background pushed back was was the interesting to do. Watching the contrasts between the colors was the important thing.
Step #4 - Almost there. The foreground was the last bit for the workshop.
The final touches add a year later. The easy thing about reworking the piece was my palette colors haven't changed and it was nothing to remix the colors of the painting.